Short Term Call Recommendation

In this article we are providing all the information about Grey Market Premium, Kostak Rate, Subject to Suada, Listing Gain of each and every IPO and we are also giving rating of all IPOs. This information can be very useful to every retail investor who are invest in IPO Market.

Short / Long Term Call Recommendation

Short / Long Term Call Recommendation
IPO Name CMP ADD SL T-1 T-2 T-3 Remark
HPCL Remark

What is Subject to Sauda?
According to the Kostak rate, the amount of subject to Sauda is a bargain on an application is the amount that investors receive on their IPO application. For Example :- If one buys or sells an IPO application on the subject to Sauda of the deal, it means that if one gets the allotment of the IPO application, he can get the said amount otherwise the deal will be canceled. In this Subject to Sauda no one can determine their profit as it depends on allotment. If someone gets an IPO allotment and he sells the application he sells around 5000 and the profit goes around ₹ 12000 at the time of listing then the person has to pay 7000 to the person buying the application. This called Subject to Sauda.

Disclaimer: -
1. Do not subscribe to any IPO based on the value of Gray Market Premium or IPO estimates.
2. Gray Market Premium is used only for estimation of IPO.
3. Check the company's fundamentals and financial history before applying to any IPO.
4. We are not buying and selling any IPO forms on IPO Grey Market.
5. will not be responsible for any loss incurred on investment based on the recommendation of Gray Market Premium.

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